Friday, September 16, 2005

Love & Death

Love is not something permanent, eternal. Remember, what poets say is not true. Don´t take their criterion, that the true love is eternal, and untrue love is momentary - no! Just the opposite is the case. The true love is very momentary - but what a moment!... such that one can lose the whole of eternity for it, can risk the whole of eternity for it. Who wants that moment to be permanent? And why should permanency be valued so much?... because life is change, flow; only death is permanent.

I agree with it until the last sentence. NO, death is not permanent as well, death is a transition point.


  1. 也對呀, 愛是沒有永恆,只有死亡才是永久的!

  2. Treasure every moment of true love.
